A campaign targeted to HR Professionals to raise awareness around the Kenexa brand and solutions. Through research we determined that HR Professionals tend to take problems on as their own. This taught us that we need to speak to them in an approachable, conversational confident manner, but also as a partner who understands the many hats they wear, the challenges they face day after day, and the complexity of what they do. We get it and we will help make the load a little easier as their partner. Why? Because “To Us, Business is Personal.” This became our tagline in the market and proved to be extremely successful.
We used this tagline and the approach you see here through ad campaigns that ran in print and digital format in some of the largest HR publications globally; across our social media channels to start conversations; as the foundation of messaging and visual creation for events; and as the platform for our websites.
Over the course of two years, through these specific efforts, we achieved approximately 12,000 leads through advertising channels, launched approximately 50 campaigns; gained over 4M impressions through social media, and executed 14 major events and approximately 100 smaller events helping register, on average, 15,000 registrants per year.
The media plans we sent to market consistently doubled leads year-over-year, increased message clarity from 44 to 88% and achieved 15 to 20 points above average on visual appeal.

Example screenshots of our online ad campaign.

Copywriters: Mary Lafferty and Stephanie Sparks
Illustrator/Designer: Jennifer Woockman