HR asked our team to create a microsite/landing page and job fit tool as a starting point for potential candidates to view questions and answers about the company. After the candidate has moved through all of the questions, based on a set of rules determined by HR and a grading scale for those answers, the candidate will be shown their top and second career track fit.
Target Audience: The target audience for this project is external candidates, millennial demographic group.
Target Audience: The target audience for this project is external candidates, millennial demographic group.
Key Message: The tool itself provides opportunities that exist within the company, and it evaluates cadidates fit within the 8 Career Tracks.
Call-To-Action: To get candidates to use the "Career Decoder." We want to entice candidates to find which career track is right for them. At the end of this journey our second CTA will be to get them to apply for available positions.
To view:
To view:
// Homepage of the IBM Career Decoder //

// Close up of hero image on homepage //

// Shows that the hero image is animated so when you hover over the icons they rotate //

// Multiple screenshots of the tool //

// Working artboard created in Illustrator //

// Pushed out live via Google+ and IBM's blog //

This project, like all projects, was an entire team effort from conception to launch. The team consisted of:
Creative Director // Mary Lafferty
Content Manager // Stephanie Sparks
Project Management // Abby Bartholomew
Web Strategist // Anh McClure
Web Development // Mitch Lambie and Adam Leuenberger